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Results for "keyword: "women's spirituality""
Take the Risk Encouragement to act on the potential for love, friendship, and communion with another soul.
World Food Day Important facts about world hunger and what you can do about it today.
Birthday of Mary Stevenson Cassatt Celebrating the birthday of the impressionist painter famous for her depictions of women and children.
Rabi’a al-‘Adawiyaa A heartfelt desire for a loving relationship with God.
Bounce An ingenious way to pray for someone or to practice forgiveness.
Give Yourself What You Offer Others A prompt to give to yourself so that you can give to others.
Forgive Me A prompt to pray during every elevator ride.
Sacred Object A recommendation to keep reminders of our spiritual lessons around us.
The Path of Practice An excerpt from Spiritual Rx on the joys and challenges of the path of spiritual practice.